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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Life in Colour

Well March is almost over so next Sunday Jude over at Travel Words here will select a new feature colour for her Life in Colour series. And I ended up finding lots of photos for the Green Theme so this post will be like the last hurrah for green. 😀

Greens on Lantau Island, Hong Kong.
Next up are some greens I spied in Brighton, UK. During our stay in London in 2019, we took a train to this seaside town...a lovely day and some wonderful memories. 

Next is a lovely tranquil spot in the Sun Yet-San Gardens in Vancouver...a delightful garden in that city’s Chinatown area. 

A ride at Santa Monica Pier...we just watched! 

In 2014 DH and I toured the old set of Coronation St, his favourite TV show...this is part of the outdoors set. 

Filming of the interior of the pub was in a set inside the main building at these now demolished studios. 

The next photo is in the Cotswold village of Bibury...I was fascinated by that plant that looked like it belonged in the tropics! 

Next photo is some green in Singapore...

Only a tiny bit of green in this next photo taken in Bunbury, Western Australia. Driving down this suburban street in this town, we just had to stop and check out this front yard. Marge Simpson of course is resplendent in a green frock. Not your average front yard I think! 

Next photo shows the different greens in this sunken garden in Mt Gambier, South Australia. 

The next photo is closer to home...I spied this at our local ( but smallish) shopping Centre. How times have changed since my childhood and even the childhood of my children! 
Looks fun! And the grownups don’t even need to rummage for coins! 

Yep! Just tap the credit card! 

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday which means palm leaves and palm crosses! 

We have a granddaughter who lost a leg due to sepsis. Here she is in a green dress having fun on a green slippery slide. 

My friends in the Sunday Stitchers group found out that there is an Amputee Awareness Month so in November 2019 they honored  Carrie at our monthly meeting by presenting me with 2 bags of story books for her. How special are these lovely ladies. 

The last photo is a meme attributed to John F Kennedy that I shared on my FB page a few years ago. For many years DsD1 and her husband lived on a grazing property and I naturally started to take an interest in the farming/grazing sector so I could be more informed of what the lifestyle entailed. 

How true this is! 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Life in Colour.

Once again joining in with Jude over at her Travel Words blog for the monthly feature, Life in Colour. This month’s colour is green. This week, Jude has written a post here  about trams/streetcars, with their stunning  green paintwork of course. Her photos of these lovely old beauties are just wonderful! 
My post this week features an eclectic/hotchpotch of ‘greens’. 💚🟢🟩

Once I had a very bright fresh looking tablecloth for our rather large outdoor table...

The grandchildren liked to count all the different greens in those stripes.
I still have that cloth, but time has taken a toll on that brightness...

Here we are one afternoon last month. Miss 5 has joined us after school for some afternoon tea. The cloth may be faded but look at that very new school uniform...yep! Greens! 

Next, is half way around the world from here. The lovely green painted metal ( and shopping baskets) at Borough Markets in London. 

Lovely memories of a holiday in 2019. We took cheeses, breads, deli meats and fruit from the market back to our holiday apartment in Chelsea. 

And here is another  green in my life...
With Covid-19 came library closures and suddenly I became a lot more enthusiastic about ebooks. I’d bought such books over the years but now I started to borrow them from the library. And BorrowBox is the app that most of the titles I was interested in were available. ( a few still used Overdrive as the reader) 

For me I still love the so called traditional Christmas colours which certainly include green. Last year I made some knitted wreaths as little gifts for friends...some were green...well maybe most were green! Lol

A few years back I was shopping at a Christmas Market at the Karuna Hospice here in Brisbane and spied this elf. The amount of work involved in its making was impressive and the price quite rightly reflected this. But I’d fallen in love and it was a good cause, so the green elf came home with me. 

And I once pinned this next photo on my Pinterest Christmas board...

Now this next photo may look like a big pine undecorated Christmas tree, but looks are deceiving. It’s actually a phone tower in Hawaii. I took the photo through the window of the bus that had taken us on a tour of the island of Kauai. 

What a great way to disguise a phone tower! 
And there will be some more ‘greens’ from me next week. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Life in Colour

Once again joining in with Jude of the Travel Talk blog for her Life in Colour monthly challenge. The colour for March is green. Jude posted some gorgeous photos. 
So here are some of my ‘greens’...

The sign is outside the Eureka Centre and Museum in Ballarat, a city in Victoria which is part of the gold rush history of Australia. 
And the next photo was also taken in Ballarat. This beautifully restored old tram runs on weekends. 

I’ve always associated Ireland with the colour green and when we finally got to visit the land of my forebears ( on my mother’s side), these green post boxes really stood out when you come from a country with red ones! 

So I guess it only followed that the postal vehicles would be green also. 

How cute is that! 

Talking of Ireland, there’s St Patrick’s Day which is also enthusiastically celebrated here in Australia. This was the morning tea spread that 3 of us put together for our stitching group’s monthly meetup one March. I think you can guess our theme. 😂 🇮🇪 

And in the ‘new normal’ times we now live in, the ‘green tick’ is an essential step in gaining access to so many places. 

So there are some of my greens and as the challenge runs for the whole month, I’ll be back with more! 😜

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Monday Washing Lines...

As I’ve started following Jude of the Travel Talk UK blog via email, today a new post popped up in my Inbox entitled ‘Monday Washing Lines’ which Jude was linking up with this theme on Andrew of Have Bag, Will Travel Blog. I just read the synopsis without opening Jude’s actual post and decided I’d look for clothesline photos I might have. I had great fun, even finding a photo that dated back to 1953! A lot of the photos were from my children’s childhood days and of course more recent photos taken in the backyard of my present home. 
Then after I had this lovely time of finding photos, I then read both Jude and Andrew’s posts fully. 
Jude â€˜s post Andrew â€˜s post here. 
Hmmm...I should have realised from the names of their respective blogs to realise they would be featuring more exotic locations of clotheslines than suburban backyards in Australia, duh! 😜

It’s a weekly feature on Andrew’s blog and 2 of the posts that I checked out showed washing hung up in Villajoysa in Spain and Kotor in Montenegro. Jude’s post showed laundry hung up rather creatively on a balcony in Malta. So all in all, my collection is rather pedestrian. But I’m still going to write a post about washing lines that have featured in my life. 
Perhaps one of the most significant clotheslines in my life’s journey, I have no photographic record of. It was in the backyard of a house I rented from 2000 till 2002 after I escaped a domestic violence situation. The house was 1930s vintage, shabby on the outside but freshly painted inside. The laundry was in a bit of a ‘lean to’ structure beside the back steps. The rotary clothesline had seen better days. The memory that stands out was a Saturday morning about 2 months after I started living in this house, and I was sitting on the back steps, gazing at the line full of washing that I’d just pegged out. A feeling of contentment came over me as I watched the items moving in the breeze and I knew I was going to be alright. some clothesline pics.
1953 Paddington, Brisbane. The back yard of the block of flats where my parents rented the ground floor flat. 

Dad and I are standing under the’s one of those awful old clotheslines where the lines were strung between posts in a T configuration and props were used to hold the lines up so large items wouldn’t drag on the ground. Here’s a pic I found on Pinterest showing a line loaded up with washing. 

When my parents bought a house in the mid 1950s this was the sort of clothesline that my mother had. She used that old thing until the early 1970s when she bought the rotary clothesline she’d always dreamed of. My father was of the opinion that if his mother didn’t have an item when he was growing up in rural Sicily, why should he buy such an item for my mother? That was completely disregarding the fact that his mother died in 1914 when he was 6 and let’s face it, labour saving devices tended not to have been invented when his mum was alive. After he died in 1967, mum bought a lovely new stove, an electric mixer, vacuum cleaner but didn’t get the clothes line or washing machine until later. 
In early 1972, my first husband and I moved into our own home which was 20 years old and you wouldn’t believe had the old post and prop line. Our block was long and narrow and luckily the Hills Hoist people had rotary lines of various diameters so we got one to suit the narrowness of the yard. 
A corner of our Hills Hoist can be seen in this photo and the woman in the photo is my dear mother in law, Elsie. She would come up from Melbourne for a visit and would insist on helping around the house, including hanging out the washing like she is here. The toddler is DD2. 

In this photo the girls are riding around under the clothesline. For some reason, DD1 is riding her old pink trike which she had as a toddler! It was that same trike that years earlier she had ridden down the external back stairs on a 2 storey house and suffered no injuries thank goodness! 

Here’s DD1 sitting on the back deck doing some painting. That clothesline is minus any washing though and on the right of the photo are those stairs that she rode down as a toddler. 

Now for more recent washing lines/clothesline photos. 
When I moved to this house to be with DH he had a very battered rotary clothesline which had been the victim of children and teenagers repeatedly swinging on said line. But pretty soon it would suffer even more indignity. My stepdaughters had a party and they placed a tarp over the line to make a covered area. They left the line covered after the party and went to bed with the idea of getting their dad’s help taking it off next day. It rained heavily in the early hours and the weight of the water in the tarp bent parts of the clothesline down to the ground. It couldn’t be saved so a new line was bought and installed. 
Our granddaughters love to play in our backyard and at this stage have not tried to swing on the line. 
Holly likes to help get the washing from the line; grandpa unpegs the items and she puts the pegs in their basket and puts the towels in the laundry basket. 

Even the birds like the clothesline; it makes a good perch...nighttime 

And daytime...not a very good photo but it’s a kookaburra sitting on the clothesline and he/she was enjoying the ride as the wind was causing the clothesline to spin around. 

So that’s my interpretation of ‘washing lines’.