Our recent Challenge was to make beanies, scarves and fingerless gloves for the Mission to Seafarers |
The founder of our group, Karen Croke, does an amazing job. Karen entered the group in the Sunsuper Dreams competition for August. The prize is $5000 for the group who gets the most votes. Karen wrote on her entry:-
Knitting for Brisbanes Needy has been operating with no funding at all, for nearly 7 years. In that time members have lovingly made over 120,000 items including blankets, beanies, scarves, jumpers, toys etc which are then given free of charge to homeless; needy families, premature baby wards; chemotherapy patients; domestic violence shelters, Indigenous communities; animal refuges , in fact anyone in need. These items are sent all over Queensland, and in times of tragedy to other parts of Australia as well.
People often donate squares which members sew into blankets |
Many of us buy blankets to supplement crocheted and knitted ones. All year round there is a demand for blankets |
One of our challenges this year was to make blankets for kittens in an animal refuge |
The members have worked hard to get votes and we soon got into first place. The group in second place have been working hard to close the lead. K4BN members have acknowledged that this group, an animal refuge in WA is a worthy cause but we had decided that $5000 would buy a lot of yarn, fabric (we have non knitters who sew children's clothes for us) and toiletries for the hundreds of toiletry bags we hand out each year.
Both groups have checked out each other's Facebook page which is fair enough, but today things got just a bit nasty. #2 group posted messages on our Facebook wall suggesting 'that as we were just knitters' we weren't worthy of the prize money'. ( I've used polite terms ) The offending comment was removed and Karen wrote a message on their FB wall...
'We may be just "knitters" (and crocheters, sewers and animal lovers). Not only do we donate all our items free of charge to the homeless, needy, but also we make and donate animal blankets, toys, items for wildlife carers etc. A lot of homeless people only have one friend, their dog or cat...and they love the fact that we also care about their pets. So, just to put it straight we are not JUST KNITTERS. We get no funding whatsoever, most of our members are pensioners who would rather not buy essentials for themselves but use that money to buy wool to help others, including animals, who are less fortunate.'
As far as I know there has been no response to this comment but possibly the post has been removed from their site...can't confuse people with some facts now can we? Being an ex teacher can sometimes be a positive thing. A number of my former students have decided to 'drum up votes from their friends' as have former colleagues of mine and many other friends.
If any Australian readers of this blog want to help, this is the link. My 'McAfee Site Advisor' acknowledges it as a safe site and link. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday, August 31. The group would be very grateful for any votes received.
As a postscript to the above; one of our members did some sleuthing on group #2's site and found that they have recently had a successful Trivia Night and have a 'street collection' (?) coming up shortly. We figure that they can delay winning the Sunsuper Dreams' contest for another month surely :-).
Another challenge was to provide 'pretty things' for women in isolated areas |
One of the many scarves that get knitted for K4BN each year... |
We have members who sew clothes for children of needy families. Here at the monthly Scarborough Knit and Natter, Rene 'models' one of the dresses made by some members. |
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Two older ladies, Val and Ann sew patchwork quilts for needy children |
If, after reading this, you would like to vote for us, here is the link at which to vote!
I can't believe that people can be so horrible !!! I've been voting and following the posts on FB and last time I voted (earlier tonight) Karen's dream was still in the lead. I do hope it still is and that it wins. Good luck.
PS .. the pics of your donated items are lovely - enjoyed seeing them. Keep up the good work.
You are all such amazing people. I have voted and place the link on my facebook page. Good luck and hope you win the prize.
You can count on my vote Maria!
At this point K4BN is only 1 behind!! I voted, tweeted, facebk'ed. Now fingers Xed...
If I could I would vote for your group. You all do so much for so many people and $5000 certainly would buy a LOT of supplies!
I've voted too Maria. So sad to hear about the 'nasties' out there. Very childish isn't it? Hugs Sue.
I'm really sorry I've only just found this post, otherwise you'd have had my vote too.
I've always been in awe of the selfless work you and your fellow members do.
That was such a cruel comment to make by the other group. I think they need to take a good look at themselves.
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