My mother in law from my first marriage lived in Melbourne and especially after the girls were born, would come to stay with us here in Brisbane for a number of weeks every few years.

When the girls were napping I would often play recorded shows such as Taggart. Elsie would complain that she couldn’t understand a word that the star of Taggart Mark McManus would utter and she would get quite cross about this. This didn’t make sense to me as I could understand him perfectly. ( oh the arrogance of youth!) 🙄😬

Yep! Closed captions!
Many afternoons during her stay, she and I would sit and craft in front of the TV; I would mainly knit or sew and Elsie would crochet.
When the girls were napping I would often play recorded shows such as Taggart. Elsie would complain that she couldn’t understand a word that the star of Taggart Mark McManus would utter and she would get quite cross about this. This didn’t make sense to me as I could understand him perfectly. ( oh the arrogance of youth!) 🙄😬
Well for quite a few years, I’ve been ‘translating’ accented English on TV shows for DH. But recently something has happened. Watching episodes of the show Shetland, I’ve realised that I don’t always understand what the character of Jimmy Perez says. We’ve used the rewind function and I’ve still had occasions where I couldn’t translate what the characters have said...shock horror! Then one day I had a brainwave!
Yep! Closed captions!
Sorry for not really understanding, Elsie. 🤭
( And now the show Hinterland taxes my hearing and brain too with those Welsh accents so closed captioning could come in handy for that too)