We 'tossed around' lots of ideas beforehand. DH thought he'd dress up as a Beatle or a Beatles's fan. He would need a wig. So off we went to the Reject Shop and selected a wig each. The plan was that I would wear the long wig and DH would wear the short, curly one. But...the short haired wig didn't fit DH...so we swapped.
I joked that we could go as Sonny and Cher...with me drawing on a moustashe...lol!
Minds got changed a few times, about what we would wear. During one of our forays into local op shops, I noticed some of those 'beauty cases' from the 1960s. They were so trendy/cool in the mid 60s and I 'lusted after' one. My godmother bought me one...a cream one, and I was in seventh heaven! Mine is long gone but we have the one that used to belong to DH's mother, in a cupboard. My MiL used to keep old family documents in her beauty case and DH became the keeper after she died.
So we emptied the family documents out of the case and on the Saturday evening, I put my iPad and some old 60s memorabilia in it instead.
But a wig and a beauty case don't up add to much of a costume do they? 😉 DD1 brought over a few items for me...some sunglasses, a crocheted scarf and a big pink floppy felt hat. Visiting a local op shop looking for something I could wear, I found this...
Looking at old photos of myself from the 1960s, I noticed that I had rather favoured skivvies back then.( close fitting roll collar jersey). In my teens, I had envied friends who had those stretch black pants( I think they were called ski pants) ...my mum wouldn't entertain the thought of buying me a pair. So instead of wearing jeans to the 60s night, I decided to wear some jeggings with a dark skivvy and that sheepskin vest. My earrings are actually from the 1960s. They're so big, I hardly ever wear them...but they were perfect for the night.
And here I am!
And DH?
You probably won't believe this, but a lot of people at this event didn't recognise him...wink wink! Lol. So off we set for a night of fun...
And met some friends as we walked in...
The placemats were very novel!
DH and our friend Dave worked hard on the 3 Sixties Quizzes; one lot of questions were about songs, another set was on TV shows and the third was about 60s events. My goodness we all struggled with those questions! Lol
As I wrote in an earlier post, we may not have done well in the quizzes, but we won the scavenger hunt.
Just for a laugh, also in that beauty case I took along some items that I still have that date back to the 1960s...from my teens specifically.
My diary from the year I was in Grade 12...
( if you're wondering what I wrote about in that little diary, it was boring. I'm ashamed to say the main topics of discussion were school, boys, sewing, boys, school 😆)
My Cliff Richard scrapbook...
No there was never a Volume 2! Lol
PS. Some people thought that I had dressed up as Cher, but I had decided that if asked, I would say I was Cleo Laine! Lol