I noticed that
Michelle was joining in with Shay over at
Quilting in my Pyjamas whose feature is Favourite Things Friday. Hmmm...something else in Blogland that I could join in with. So without visiting Shay's blog first, I went looking through my photos' files. I decided eventually to use some photos of the foods that have become my favourite snack type foods since I started avoiding sugar. And then I went over to Shay's blog to link up...ha hah!! You wouldn't believe it!
Shay is showcasing her new red mixer and posted photos of all these gorgeous cakes and desserts...would you believe, even a TimTam cake!!! So do use the link to go and have a stickybeak and a drool perhaps even...
However I'll press on regardless and show the foods that have helped me lose an average of just over 1 kg per month since May last year. People are so used to me bringing a piece of fruit to Knit and Natters or some cheese and crackers. I realise now that I was addicted to sugar and giving it up has been beneficial and I'm now rarely hungry between meals, but if I am, these are the foods I eat. It has been a significant life change for me as I would always eat something sweet with a cuppa.
A snack for DH and I, although he also eats cakes and slices |
Bananas are my favourite fruit; not having 'sugar' issues, I'm able to enjoy these to satisfy any sweet cravings! |
My box filled with a snack for morning tea at a Knit and Natter |
Christmas was the testing time. I had decided that I would indulge over the 2 days. I ended up eating fruit on Christmas Eve, refused plum pudding Christmas Day because I didn't feel like it and finally had a sliver of pudding with some cream on the Friday night after Christmas...it was okay but I didn't crave more. So poor DH had to finish all the Christmas desserts on his own...lol
You have done so well maria...
Your snacks do looks yummy.. I would love those...
Hi Maria
What am I doing commenting at 3am? It's still hot here which doesn't help a good night's sleep so I got up to make a 'nice cup of tea'.
I hadn't realised you were cutting out sugar. Congratulations on how far you have come with it. You have done well, I am sure your body will thank you.
So inspiring to hear your story and personal experience Maria. I think most of us know deep down what we should and shouldn't eat but sometimes lifestyle choices creep in and it is so good to get a dig in the ribs from you. I know I have been eating too many sweet tid-bits over the Christmas period. Time to get back on the health bus I think Tanya.
I've found that swimming this week as definitely stopped the sweet cravings that had launched with the Christmas celebrations...so I fully intend to be back on the no sugar wagon this week. Thank you for the added encouragement I need.
Firstly congratulations on the weight loss. My maths tells me you’ve lost around 8 kilos. Great stuff! And I bet you looked at my post and wondered how much sugar was in all the stuff I was showing off. I feel kind of guilty now!
Love those snack ideas. It all looks wonderful (especially that plate –I’ll pass on the almonds though ) I think you may have inspired me to start making a snack plate for work each day .
Thanks for dropping by Favourite Things Friday Maria. It’s lovely to meet you!
Well done Maria - Christmas is very hard to get through and you really cracked it. You're a true inspiration.
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