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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Joining in some Isolation Games

In early April I came across a group on Facebook known as Bin Isolation Outing and decided to join in. The premise of the group was that due to Lockdown restrictions, our rubbish bins would have more outings than us. Each week our general rubbish bin would be wheeled out to the footpath and the council contractors would empty those bins. Every fortnight our recycling bin would also be emptied. 

Members of the group were encouraged to dress up to take the bin/s out, video or photograph this and then post it on the Facebook page, giving details of what city/country you were from. I thought I’d give it a go as it sounded like fun. The numbers in the group swelled as word spread; people from all around the world joined. Some of the posts were absolutely brilliant and funny! My efforts were very modest but I had a lot of fun...
First week for me but second week of the group operating saw me dressing up in an outfit I’d worn to a nephew’s wedding years ago...a 2 bin week! 

Another week, I went for the hippy look...

Another week I recycled my 1920s outfit that I had worn to a parish dinner a few years ago...

As the weeks went by restrictions started to ease and after being only allowed to travel within our suburb we suddenly could travel up to 50 km from home. So in my 4th week of dressing up I decided it would be my last. It was time to bring out Sister Mary from the Ridiculous Order who had gone to an adults fancy dress party in the 1970s. But her outfit was newly cobbled together complete with a cardboard cross coloured in with a gold pen. Be blowed if I could find the rosary beads though! Lol

The group is still going on Facebook and the number of members is now over a million. It was fun joining in and so much fun seeing other people’s photos and videos. 

Another game I joined in with was at the invitation of a former student from the 1970s who conscripted a group of us to play a word game. Each day Darlene would send us a word via text and we had to make up a sentence. And they were not easy words I can tell you! 
Peroration, conniption, supervenient, uxorious, zeitgeist, penurious, thwack, quidnunc, brouhaha, coterie, drabble, grimalkin. Aren’t they frightening 😫? I have to admit that I was only familiar with a few of them but online dictionaries were a great help. After 12 words, Darlene must have decided enough was enough, so no more brain strain for us! Lol 

The pandemic brought about a lot of ‘firsts’ as we all tried to make the best of our circumstances. And as I’m using my blog to record rather belatedly my experiences from late March, through to the end of June, I’ll keep those memories coming. 


angela said...

I remember seeing your pics on Facebook oh they made me laugh
There is always a silver lining to every catastrophe and finding our
Creativity, and humour was one of them

Vireya said...

Love your bin costumes!

Sherri said...

Ha ha, just love the dress ups! When I worked at a respite centre we would put on a Christmas concert at the end of the year which the clients loved. Every year I would moan and groan about having to do it but as the time drew near I was organising my costumes and buying wigs from the discount stores and wearing all sorts of weird makeup - like green 'foundation' makeup for one character and a dark monobrow for another. We were so bad in the acting department but the audience was always very gentle with us.

Good on you for having some fun with the group.

Jackie said...

What fun!! I wish we would have done something similar here. Love your costumes, and those words...

God bless.