My garden does tend to get a bit neglected but in the last few months I’ve put a bit of effort into it. I’ve divided up bromeliads and re planted them in pots as well as directly into garden beds. Possums don’t seem to eat bromeliads or succulents so I’m extending their presence in the garden.
DD1 gave me some dracena cuttings and I’ve potted those up too...and yes, the possums don’t seem to find them tasty either 😀.
Some petunias have escaped being eaten by the possum gang too...
( I use the plastic forks to protect the plants when they are seedlings)
The faithful nasturtiums that come up every year are putting on a bright display...
Some of the succulents have also flowered...
Not many veggies at the moment as DH and I will be away during September.
A self-sown pumpkin is doing nicely at the moment but will probably succumb to powdery mildew when the humid weather arrives. Or the vine and any pumpkins could be chomped on by hungry possums like my last few vines.
Some tomatoes have come up in the compost that I put around the frangipani/ plumeria. Should take them out...but at least they are crowding out weeds perhaps!
Months ago my cousin gave me a clump of eshallot seedlings. I planted them in a pot with a few inches of compost at the top. They’ve grown beautifully as had a whole lot of self sown plants. I did weed these plants out to start with but it looks like some more weeding is needed.
Just 2 tomato plants which have been planted especially so far this season...
This meme is just so appropriate 🤣
Even though we Brisbanites reckon there isn’t much difference between the seasons, the king orchid that grows neglected in the back corner of the garden can always be depended on to ‘know’ exactly when Spring is looming...
Hope those drought ravaged rural areas of Australia get some rain soon 🤞🤞.