Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finding new homes for 'stuff'...

For ages I have been de-cluttering. It is getting easier as I go along as the 'emotional ties' of many items just don't seem to be as strong these days.The book by Peter Walsh that I wrote about last year has helped me in this change of mindset. I prefer to find new homes for items rather than dispatch them to the wheelie bin, but electrical appliances can be a problem. Most charities do not accept them.

Since retiring I've met many people from all walks of life and many people who help the needy. So it was to the organiser of Knitting For Brisbane's Needy, Karen, that I posed the question,'Do you know of anyone who could use some small appliances that sit untouched in my kitchen cupboards?' She did; Pastor Lorraine Kerswell of the Hope Community Care Project. 

Pastor Lorraine (blonde hair, red dress) addressing the group at a Knit and Natter for K4BN

This project helps people who have been alienated from society for whatever reason, to integrate back into the community and often involves setting people up in accommodation...starting from scratch. This group would find a use for my unwanted items.

As well as knitted items, K4BN also hands out toiletry bags.  My friend Cheryl collected these 'motel' soaps from her recent trip away,  which will go into these bags.

My late mum's GE hotpot (unused), a toaster oven that DD2 and I used in a rental house that didn't have a griller, an electric jug that DH and I used in one of the electoral offices and a box of kitchen utensils that DH had won in either a raffle or a golf comp; all these items can be useful to other people.

I now have some extra space in the 3 different cupboards where these items had been stored; the hotpot and the toaster oven had been stored for 10 years! I don't plan to fill up these spaces...instead I'll see what else can be given away. 

Nearly half of the top shelf is now empty now the toaster has gone :-)

A little while ago I was 'blog surfing' and I read a blog written by someone who uses old china in mosaics. I remember thinking at the time that this lady might like my Spode vase which has lots of chips out of it, or other pieces of English china with chips etc...But I didn't bookmark the page! If any Australian readers know of anyone who uses old china in mosaics I would love to hear from them. I hate to just throw things away :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Maria, a very proactive idea and I am sure someone will put their hand up for the chipped English china (if I lived closer I would) I'm still in a holding onto too much stuff pattern and have recently taken on more from Mum who has been de-cluttering *sigh*


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