Friday, June 5, 2015

A get together...

On the last Friday of the month, our parish has a morning tea gathering in the church hall. Last month we were invited to bring a 'cup and saucer' that had a story or some meaning attached to it.

A few people brought along something to talk about. There were some rather valuable Shelley ware which were part of one parishioner's collection.

There was a cup,saucer and plate souvenir of Queen Eluzabeth's 1954 visit to Australia. It had belonged to my friend's mother but the story Patricia told was delightful. Pat could remember seeing the Queen in 1954, but as a child she was convinced the family walked from Goulburn to Canberra. In reality they travelled in buses with lots of other residents of that city. 

There was a very elegant cup and saucer (on the left front of the photo) which had been a gift to one of the ladies. Another lady brought in a tall mug that she had bought many years ago in Harrods...Fiona said she likes a big cup of tea and this mug fits the bill. And then there was the teapot that Patti had brought along. She collects teapots and this one was a gift from her husband. We all loved it! 

And what did I take along? Well not any delicate bone china...not a collectible piece...but something that still makes me's a rather chunky mug which is not my preferred style, but it does feature a Gary Larsen cartoon. In the 1980s-90s, I really loved those Larsen cartoons and had a number of the books of his cartoons. 

Here's a closer view of that sign...

My 2 girls knew that this cartoon struck a chord with me, so when they were still little girls, they convinced their dad to buy the mug as a gift for me from them. Maybe you noticed the Dymo label around the bottom of the mug? A mug with a cartoon about school is perfect as a work mug for a teacher...and so it was! You may have heard stories about teachers being 'caught' with up to a dozen dirty cups belonging to others; these cups would be discovered in end of term/year, room/desk/shelves clean up. Well it's true! There are cup/mug 'thieves' in school workplaces, lol. So my girls's father, thoughtfully made the label and it must have worked....I didn't lose it!
Next month we've been invited to bring along another cup with a story...hmmm, I wonder what else I've  got which has a story attached? 


  1. Your mug is so true. I work in a library and we often say it is pointless putting up signs because nobody reads them! Even when we make loudspeaker announcements for 20 minutes before closing time, some people are surprised when we eventually ask them to leave. It's a funny world.

  2. This is such a fun idea, I like to drink from fine china, and am always browsing the cup and saucer section in the op shops for pretty finds. I have an extra large cup and saucer my daughter bought me on one of her rare trips home, it has beautiful pears on it. It always annoyed me when workmates used my mug, even though it was clearly marked as "mine"....especially when they drank coffee from it, which I hate, and left the dregs in. Can't wait to see your tea cup show and tell for next month :)

  3. There were some at my various workplaces over the years who thought I was a bit weird because I would bring my cup/mug with me and take it home at the end of the day. I did leave it on my desk one day and found it (plus coffee dregs) in the sink next day - I only drank tea in those days and really was quite annoyed. Never did find out who the 'culprit' was or whether they were just trying to be funny. I still get angry when I think about it lol
    Love 'show and tells' as long as they don't turn into a 'show and brag' session.

  4. What a fun idea. I'm thnking of what I would bring. Maybe the Davy Crockett mug my daddy brought me back from a business trip that always made my milk taste better!

  5. Oh I love that idea...such lovely and varied treasures too. Thanks for sharing xx

  6. Such a nice idea for a get together. It made me look at my collection and remember where they came from and from whom.


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