Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Night with Friends

Well normally with FNwF I would stitch, knit or crochet...but not last night.
Even though it's the Let's Get Stitched 2015 Weekend, there was no stitching going on...
There was pizza...
And someone took a photo if me taking a photo of the pizzas! 
There were fun games...
Like the one where we had to pass a blown up balloon around the circle until told to stop. That person had to sit on the balloon to burst it and get out the piece of paper with an instruction on. Some of the instructions were 'scary', lol. Singing particular songs or doing dances such as the Time Warp...oh dear I didn't want to be the one holding  a balloon when 'stop' was called out...but I was. The balloon broke easily enough and my instruction was recite the alphabet backwards. All my lovely friends helped me stumble my way through.

And that brings me to the prizes...for my pass the balloon game I won this...I was rapt!

A popular game at the Let's Get Stitched Pizza and Games involves passing packs of charm squares  around the circle. Each participant brings along a charm square pack wrapped up in a brown paper bag. A little story is read out with the words 'left and right' threaded into the story. And we have to pass our charm squares in the direction that comes up in the story...of course it gets tricky when left and right are used in quick succession and some get a bit mixed up...and lots of laughter ensues :-)
This is the pack I ended up with...

And this is the pack that I had brought along...

So that was my Friday Night with Friends. And look who is also at Let's Get Stitched this year...Cheryll from Gone Stitchin' who organises all those lovely swaps and FNwF of course. It's been wonderful meeting her in person after all these years. Cheryll is on the left. 


  1. Sounds like a fab night how gorgeous is our Dory xxx

  2. What a lot of fun! Great gifts too... so many pizzas there - wow. Cheers now :D)

  3. sounds like real friday night with friends, lovely. take care Jaana

  4. Sounds like a fun night. And there was pizza! How perfect was that lol

  5. I really like the charm pack you won. A fun night!

  6. Hello Maria,

    What a great idea with the fun games. I see a lot of pizza!

    Happy days.

  7. That a LOT of pizza Maria! Glad to see you're having a great time, enjoy your new Charm pack


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