Monday, March 24, 2014

Some of the flora and fauna in St James's Park, London.

On Saturday we had a big day in the city of London. Firstly we spent 2 hours or so in the magnificent Westminister Cathedral, then it was a brisk walk to Churchill's War Rooms' Museum. We spent quite a while looking at the displays in what had been the secret underground  bunker type war operations control room. Then we sauntered through St James's Park on our way to Buckingham Palace. This park was so full of families and groups of tourists enjoying the lovely sunshine and the beautiful gardens. I thought that this was worthy of a post just on its own.

Talk about a host of golden daffodils!(sorry to plagiarise you Mr Wordsworth!)  This large bed of daffs was just inside the side entrance of the park...
These 2 objected to the crow being in their territory...

This group of pelicans seemed to be quite large birds. The one second from the left had a spiky 'hair-do' lol.

There were lots of little squirrels running/darting around amongst all the pigeons and other birds who were on the grass...

I kept thinking that this must be an Aussie swan as I vaguely remember reading that the early explorers and settlers were surprised to see black swans as they had only ever seen white ones in England...

This swan had been swimming in the lake but came out of the water as we came along...
This elegant fellow stood and watched the crowds go by...

A drake with some beautiful coloured feathers...

This was quite possibly Mrs Duck of the previous drake as she stayed close to him and quacked quite vociferously at him! The humans looking on all smiled...
We saw another couple of these beautiful ducks/drakes...their markings are quite striking...

Some more of the magnificent flowering trees and bulbs...

Part of the pathway has been designated The Princess of Wales Memorial Walk...
This was the plaque set into the path...
This is just one of the beautiful parks in London....


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