Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Encore Post: Even more of those 'Things that make me smile'

Even more of those, 'Things that make me smile' photos...

This post was originally published August 3, 2012. I had earlier participated in a Facebook challenge with a group of friends to post one photo per day of things that would make us smile...
 The first photo shows my cat Lina lying in a cardboard carton. I took this photo crouching down...after I took the photo, I overbalanced and fell on my face...now that would have looked funny!!! lol
This ute (utility) belonged to the then beau of one of our girls. DH  would make 'dad jokes' about the number-plate.

I got so excited when I found the tiny brussel's sprouts starting to grow on the stalk

Statues on a footpath in Melbourne central business district

A note from a student; written at the end of the school year.

I found this on Facebook and loved it!

For Christmas one year I gave DH a package for he and I to Tangalooma Resort; here he is tobogganing down the sand dunes. I was too scared to do it! 

My friend sent me this photo of her daughter's cat, with the caption; 'This cat walks into a bar...'

My friend Rosamunde knitted these bears and the one pictured below. Not only do they make me smile at their cuteness, they will also make the children who receive them, smile as well :-)

Eduardo having a snooze while his friend Gerald Bear keeps watch.When Eddie was a little kitten, he was scared of Gerald!

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