Thursday, February 20, 2014

The building next door...

In keeping with the theme of the last blog post, I thought that it was about time I did another update on the transformation of the block next door to DH and I, from one house to seven!
Clogged street from tradies' parking has continued...

The ceilings of all the front balconies have all been lined and lights have been installed...
 A slightly closer view of the tiny balconies

When this photo below was taken, the downpipe was gushing water on the ground...since then, the piping has been extended to ground level but no stormwater access has been provided yet...

The thick cabling poking out of the side wall of the front house next to us...

A few weeks after the above photos were taken, some more tradies arrived and worked steadily over a number of days...firstly the lot of thick cabling was threaded through some piping...

And then finally the air conditioning unit was installed...

This is just my opinion but I think the residents of these homes will really need the aircon because the houses are tiny and don't have much natural cross ventilation. Moving on now with the progress report :-)....

 I've moved to the house beside our backyard, but have trespassed walked behind that house to have a 'sticky beak' at some more of the terraced houses...well the back of them at any rate. Hmmm...these couple of houses have courtyards at below street level...

Next photo shows the long view over those courtyards in the previous photo...
 This is the back door of the  terrace house next to us...

 And the next photo is that house at the back...showing that the electricity box has been installed...

Then one morning recently DH and I noticed that the concrete pump truck had arrived...we hadn't seen one at this site for a few months!

 The next day I took some photos of the work that had been completed after the concrete was used in those below street level courtyards...I took some photos at different angles...

 Looking straight down into concrete canyon the first courtyard; we must hope that we never get heavy storms like January 2011 and 2013...I don't think those 2 drains could handle such downpours.

 Looking towards the street over the walls...
So that's what has been happening on this site in the last 3 weeks or so...on the outside at least. We know that the tilers have been working hard and yesterday I saw a tradie carrying a roll of carpet into one of the terrace houses...


  1. Coming from the country those townhouses appear to be so very tiny - I don't know that I could actually live in them - maybe if I worked 15hrs a day and slept for 8 I could do it!!!

  2. I sure wouldn't want to buy one of those with a below ground courtyard. That looks like a huge mistake if you ask me.

    What a bummer to have all of this right next door to you. I hope you get nice/quiet neighbors.


  3. They look so tiny don't they. It is amazing that council approves these kinds of developments! I agree about the rain problems, will be interesting to see what happens in future January situations! cheers Wendy

  4. Those courtyards look like flooded houses waiting to happen!

    The four on the block next to me have started construction. Months of noise ahead, I suppose.


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