Friday, July 12, 2013

The latest from the building site next door...

I realised that I hadn't bored  updated readers on the progress next door in a while, so here we go!

In the last update I showed how there were spray painted 'Ws' and arrows on some of the walls of the construction so far.

Well 2 weeks ago I found out what those 'Ws' meant...waterproofing! You see at least one of the houses being built is partly below ground level with a lot of soil having been removed and DH and I know all about the water that flows from the street at the back, down one side of our property and into next door when there is heavy rain :-/ and obviously so did the people who developed the plans for the complex next door. It took several days to do the waterproofing...

This green layer was painted on and then we noticed that a layer of white plastic was placed over this layer and then finally sheets of a rubber-like substance were taped over all of that.

The walls that are being waterproofed are now completely covered...

The next week the filling in around the waterproofed walls starts...

The 6 foot drop beside our fence is gradually filled in! The fence we were promised within one month of construction starting might be getting closer to realisation...note that construction started in early's been a long month!


  1. Good to catch up with the progress of next door. Great photo shoot Maria. hugs.....

  2. I was only thinking about Brad the Builder the other day and wondering how things were going. Thanks for the update - I'm finding it quite fascinating actually. xoxox

  3. It is fun watching from afar - thanks Maria..

  4. I love these updates Maria. Keep 'em coming.

  5. Now that the below ground level stuff is completed I'm sure the next stages will be even more interesting!


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