Friday, September 7, 2012

Photographic Scavenger Hunt....

Once again I'm joining in with Deb for the Photo Scavenger hunt and this week's theme is 'In your garden today'...One thing about the garden is that it is noticeably dry...lawns around the suburbs are starting to 'brown off'. We haven't had rain for quite a while.
The aloe vera plants (from my mum's garden originally) are in bloom

new spring shoots are on the crepe myrtle trees

The dianellas started flowering this week

Close up of the dianella...after the flowers come the prettiest blue/purple berries

On the bromeliads still flowering...

The New Zealand Christmas bush in flower still....

This is a close-up of the first flower on the Brunsfelsia (Francisea) commonly known as 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow'; it has white, mauve and purple flowers on the one shrub. Flowers start off purple, fade to mauve and then to white, hence its common name. Also has a lovely fragrance. 

One of my geraniums

Disease/pest infestation on one of my hibiscus plants; will be pruned, sprayed and  given a feed of hibiscus fertilizer ASAP

I have already posted these flowers on one of my succulents on the blog, but the flowers are still looking beautiful

I have a number of tomato plants in tubs, planted last month. They are thriving and hopefully will continue to do so. The tomato 'jungle' in the newest raised bed are producing lovely little cherry tomatoes.

The king orchid out near on of the compost bins.  It looks after itself (is neglected) and rewards our laziness with beautiful flowers each spring :-)
I look forward to seeing garden photos of other bloggers who join in with Deb...


  1. Easy to tell you are in the far north Maria! Our garden in Sydney is certainly starting to shoot now that it is warming up but not quite as advanced as your garden... However can almost see the veggies growing but a constant battle to keep the resident possums away - mesh covers over the veggie beds seem to be the only way.

  2. Your garden is just a bit ahead of mine! My crepe myrtle doesn't have a scrap of green on it yet.

  3. lovely pics Maria.xx

  4. Such lovely colours abound in your garden Maria. I'm quite taken with the structure of that gorgeous King Orchid, it's beautiful :D)

  5. Love the geranium colour Maria. In fact all the flowers are just beautiful!

  6. Your garden is doing well and thanks for the reminder of the king orchid, we used to have several in Sydney.

  7. Lucky lucky last to have such a beautiful orchid. I have small dendrobiums but nothing like that cascade. Thanks for joining it. Loved to see how different your Qld garden was compared to mine here in Tas.

  8. Beautiful garden Way ahead of mine at the mo, but with these warmer days we are catching up.

  9. Great photo's Maria but favourite would be the Crepe Mrytle. When I was growing up our old house at Ashgrove had them in the back yard and they really looked amazing when they were out in flower.


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