Friday, July 20, 2012

Still a child at heart...

Before I get on to writing about the title, I would like to thank everyone who left a comment on the post about all the building development going on in our suburban block. Yes our plans are to 'stay tight' at this stage as the would-be developers like to pay very little for the privilege of cramming a number of dwellings on our block. If, and when, developments get to be on either side of us, we may feel differently. 

In 2004 DH and I faced the prospect of selling a house; either mine, 2 suburbs closer to the city than here, or 'his', the one we share. My house was on 2 levels and included a fully self contained flat. We had 5 children between us but we chose the smaller house to keep. The decision to sell my house was stood on 14.6 perches of land  and the neighbours were very, very close. Here  we have 27.4 perches and haven't I taken advantage of that space...vegie gardens, native plant garden, potted gardens of succulents, windbreak plantings, privacy hedges...etc  We get so many birds visiting our garden; it's an absolute delight.
And best of all, we can't hear our neighbours' toilets flushing! Yes! that's how close the houses were! all this building frenzy on my block, I must admit I love watching the big heavy equipment that gets brought in to work on these sites. This guy, his truck and his mobile crane kept me entertained the other day
:-) I wished that I had a grandchild or even one of my great nieces or nephews with which to share the experience!

I was sitting on the deck sewing when this big orange truck pulls up....
Off the truck came a mobile crane which headed off down the road to the building site (just past those palm trees) . Earlier a smaller truck had come past my place loaded up with what looked like giant concrete beams. I guessed that the crane was going to be used to manouvre these beams into place... and it did. The crane worked on the site for less than an hour. As he came back up the street I grabbed my camera and started 'shooting'.

Firstly the driver comes up alongside the truck and unclips some mechanism on the truck...

Then he reversed and turned around to face the other way...

Then he started to back up the ramp...

Must have needed to get into the correct position and then drive down the ramp and pick up some of the attachments which weren't used for the job at the building site; they had just been left by the side of the road.

 Up the ramp again...
Nearly there...
All 'tucked up' on the low loader again...

When all was secure, the driver then got back into the truck, started it up and headed off ...maybe another job to go to! Now if only I was that confident and competent at reversing a


  1. Interesting watching all the goings on. Yes it waould great to have a little there to also watch...

  2. 40 degrees hot,
    home moving,
    certainly I ate the head..
    June 15 since very hot...
    I'm very tired ...............


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