Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today I'm joining in with Sister Sun's blog and this week's focus is the colour yellow... Evi does write about the colour yellow and includes links as well as a song clip. Me? I just post some photos....

Cake with passionfruit icing with my favourite yellow tablecloth

A batch of passionfruit butter

A yellow Christmas teddy with attitude

A yellowish toad

Our recycle bin with its yellow lid

Another yellowish item...some fruit scones

Our house is painted yellow

Some tortelini at a family dinner outing

One of the heavy mining machines being transported last year near Wandoan

The yellow school hall at Wandoan state school

Some marigold bushes in my front garden
A zucchini flower

The yellow cover of a book that has helped me achieve a  new mind set  about hanging on to possessions

On the right; a friend's Aunty Gwen ( a very special lady)

A pumpkin flower


  1. Feels good doesn't it to haul out some of those old photos? Well done on your bright cheery lot (except the ugly old toad! It's enough to make you clear out of QLD!)

  2. Love you yellows. I'm really enjoying Evi's weekly feature - I don't have to think too hard on a Monday to just look through old photos.LOL!

  3. You found some great yellow things .. I like the idea of doing a post featuring one colour. Must try it myself soon. xoxox

  4. Lots of food there, Maria. Yellow is making me hungry.

  5. Oh yum, passionfruit icing and passionfruit butter - I love passionfruit!!
    Lovely to have you joining in, Maria, and seeing your part of the country...... although I'm with Tanya and glad we don't have those toads in Tassie!!
    See you next week with some Green!!!

  6. Yes, Maria, very hot, 40 degrees ,South 47 degrees, one week away from home even in the sea,what many business,... pumpkin !!I love,stuffed food ..mmmmm! the most in our area (Aegean)Bye....


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