Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting those little jobs done...

Well in the last few weeks I've been to the doctors' to get the letter to enable me to get 2 months of prescriptions at one time, I've had the pertussis/diptheria/tetanus booster needle as whooping cough is rife here apparently, I've been to the dentist for the check-up and scale and clean (plus a filling, shock! horror !after all this time!), I've tidied most of the house, I've weeded a bit of the garden, I've got my winter woollies out and the raincoats, I've had my hair done, I've bought 2 pairs of comfortable walking shoes and have been 'running them in', I've done some transferring of funds so the card doesn't 'bounce', we've briefed DD5 about how much to feed the cats and which bins go out on each week...

Sounds like we're going away! After months of planning and organising by DH, we head off on Saturday for our trip to the US. Thanks to the contracts that DH has worked on since he officially retired, we have saved enough for a lovely long holiday. It's primarily a 7 week driving holiday throughout a number of states with 2 internal flights as well. The first part of the holiday will be spent on the west coast and then we'll fly to the east coast. Our holiday will end with us flying back to LA for some more touristy things then flying home from there.

Thanks to TV, documentaries and films we know a bit about America but not much! lol We've heard that meal portions are huge so if that's the case we'll have to be careful how much we eat. I hate leaving food on my plate but I think I will have to learn to do that rather than undo all that work on the exercise bike!

One of our frugal meals, 'Savoury Spaghetti' ready for the oven. I think that the novelty of restaurant meals will soon wear off! lol


  1. Have a wonderful and safe trip Maria! If you need any advice along the way, do not hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to help if I can. And get ready for gas prices since they will be very high in the west coast, they might get cheaper as you drive east but not by much. Enjoy and take lots of pictures. Big hug,

  2. Thanks Claud! Hmmm petrol/gas prices are a big issue here too! We buy by the litre but if compared to gallons it would be just over $6 per gallon. I guess the 'trouble' in the middle east wouldn't help at the moment either and I noticed that the world oil prices have shot up!


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